Oct 31, 2022
I moved from Southern California to the Boise area of Idaho a year ago. I’ve shared parts of that transition on social media, and in this week’s episode, I brought on 4 friends that I’ve made who have also moved from another state to Idaho within the last year-ish. We share aspects of our stories, challenges,...
Oct 24, 2022
🎉 We have published research in The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy (IJSPT).
Historically, there is not a lot of research on female athletes. The research for pregnancy and postpartum exercise is often shortsighted, to say the least. This “population” of pregnant and postpartum athletes is still...
Oct 10, 2022
Is becoming a P&PA Coach right for you?
A look inside the cert and what people are actually doing with it.
Consider this episode a candid conversation between you and I, where you ask me everything you ever wanted to know about what to expect from the P&PA Cert, what’s in it, and what people are actually doing with...
Oct 3, 2022
The much-anticipated podcast with THE Annie Thorisdottir is here! Annie is a 10x CrossFit Games Athlete, who podiumed at the games at 1 year postpartum. This was one of the most impactful episodes and interviewers I’ve ever recorded with someone. The vulnerability of her story, message, and behind-the-scenes...