Oct 25, 2021
Every time I share about my son (8) or my own participation in jiu jitsu, I get asked a lot of questions. In this episode, I shared why starting in my 30s, with zero martial arts background, has been one of the best things I could do for my physical and mental health.
I also explain the benefits of jiu jitsu for our kids for their emotional and athletic development. They say that “jiu jitsu is for everyone” and this episode may share a perspective that you haven’t considered.
Find more from Bri at briannabattles.com and instagram.com/brianna.battles
The twice yearly sale on my coaching certification, Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism is coming!! Get early access + a discount by joining our presale list here: briannabattles.com/ppacoach
Looking for a workout program designed specifically for each week of pregnancy? Check out The Pregnant Athlete Training Program —> briannabattles.com/pregnant-athlete
My 8 Week Postpartum Training Program helps athletes rehab and transition back to their preferred form of exercise —> briannabattles.com/8weeks
Want to get certified to coach others through pregnancy or postpartum (or just learn more about your own body)? —> Check out my coach cert Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism —> briannabattles.com/ppacoach