Nov 8, 2021
Dr. Hochman is a Pediatrician in the greater Los Angeles area. She is on a mission to help parents worry less. In this episode, we talked about everything that parents worry about at some point (infant weight gain, milestones, sleep, Covid, etc) in their parenting process, and Dr. Hochman helped provide clarity and calmness.
She’s doing incredible work in her office and with her growing social media ( podcast presence (
Find more from Bri at and
The twice yearly sale on my coaching certification, Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism is coming!! Get early access + a discount by joining our presale list here:
Looking for a workout program designed specifically for each week of pregnancy? Check out The Pregnant Athlete Training Program —>
My 8 Week Postpartum Training Program helps athletes rehab and transition back to their preferred form of exercise —>
Want to get certified to coach others through pregnancy or postpartum (or just learn more about your own body)? —> Check out my coach cert Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism —>