Apr 24, 2024
Today I chat with four of our very successful P&PA Coaches on how they have found unique ways to make an income with their Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism Certification. The impact, opportunities, and options are endless with the P&PA Cert. Listen to the stories of these coaches and see what ideas spark for you and...
Apr 17, 2024
Annie Thorisdottir is BACK on the Practice Brave Podcast! The last time we were here, we talked about her postpartum experience with her first baby. Now, she gives us behind-the-scenes information on how her second pregnancy is, how her previous birth has impacted her, how her training is going, and her hopes and ideals...
Apr 10, 2024
Today, Bethany Robinson, or as many of you know her, Sporty Beth, joins me as we dig deep into her history with fitness, her ED, life as a content creator, and now navigating her pregnancy. Her pregnancy has been a difficult experience so far with intense morning sickness and she is finding ways to work through each of...
Apr 3, 2024
Today, Midwife and P&PA Coach Elena joins me as we discuss all things birth. So often we hear “fit pregnancy = perfect birth”, but in Elena’s experience, this is not always the case. So how do we prepare? Elena shares 5 considerations pregnant athletes should have for preparing for birth. Some of them...